It’s like being ‘hunted’

Spirit Mediumship

As I was contemplating what to write, I realized that even though it’s the very core of what I do, I very rarely write about spirit mediumship…

…maybe because I had this thought that there are soooo many books and information out there that I wouldn’t have anything to add.

Plus, it’s as normal to me as typing on this computer right now, so I don’t think twice about it being something people may be curious about.

For me, Spirit Mediumship is my life and my most loved and adored Spiritual Gift. It’s amazing, I wouldn’t want to live without it, and yet it can be overwhelming. Don’t get me wrong - I LOVE it - but I’ve found that there is a bit of a paradox where it’s a “blessing and a curse.”

As I’ve become more expanded over the years, it’s challenging for me to walk into a place that has a lot of people and ‘harsh energies’ (like a factory, a mall, the movies, or a corporate office). Even a trip to the grocery store can leave me drained for the rest of the day.

From a shamanistic perspective (any my direct daily experience), everything has a consciousness - from ‘ghosts’ to loved ones that have crossed over - and also plants, animals, higher light beings, angels, fairies, crystals, organs in the body, etc.

When I open up to do spirit communication and/or shamanic healing, it’s not just my guides I’m communing with… I’m chatting with beings in multiple dimensions, and I’m literally traversing from one multidimensional realm to another. This includes jumping time/space into the past and future.

Sounds trippy, right? Yeah, I’ve learned to stay in my center over the years, and my multidimensional tools assist me in staying safe and protected.

It’s like being ‘hunted’

Not in an ‘I’m going to die’ kind of way… let me see if I can explain.

When Spirit wants to send a message, and I just happen to be the ‘receiver’ that is in the area and can answer the call, it’s like I’m being hunted down with no place to hide.

My emotions may start to kick in, then the energy starts ramping up, and I can sometimes feel a little disoriented or nauseous. Then, I may get anxious - if so, I hopefully quickly realize that it’s a spirit wanting to talk, and I open myself up to be a channel for communication.

Mind you - the rest of the world is still going on like normal, so it’s like a parallel dimension that I step in where I’m ‘out of time’ in a way.

And then fear may start kicking in (not so much anymore, but this happened a lot in my younger years). Questions like - did I get the message right? Am I sure I know who it’s for? Do they even want to receive this message? How do I approach this person? What if I’m wrong? What if people think I’m weird? What if I get burned at the stake?

And while all this is happening, the energy is building up with pressure (like I’m going to literally explode) where I HAVE to deliver the message. Whether it’s texting a person, telling them right there, writing a blog, channeling healing, or walking up to a stranger - the energy HAS to go somewhere. If not, I feel like I may explode - hence, why I sometimes cannot keep quiet and blurt things out.

"Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.” - Einstein

The first law of thermodynamics, also known as the Law of Conservation of Energy - my understanding of this principle applies way beyond physics class.

For years, I tried to hide and ignore that this was something that happened very regularly to me. I don’t know if I was embarrassed because I was different, felt like a sissy who couldn’t handle something, or maybe I had some major FOMO and wanted to experience all that life had to offer? Maybe all of the above.

And with that, I think that’s enough vulnerability for today.

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