“At the Quantum Level, every potentiality exists in a parallel timeline. ”

Hi, and welcome to my little digital webpage on the World Wide Web that is real, yet it’s not… we all know it’s sitting on a virtual server somewhere in a dark room.

If you’re new to me, I’m Christy, a Spirit Communicator, Seer, and Truth Seeker who traverses the Quantum Realms like a gypsy in the night. I spent 18 years in corporate America as an Electrical Engineer while working for the Divine, utilizing my Spiritual Gifts. I am now my own Boss and Entrepreneur who Co-Creates with the Divine.

In addition to communicating with spirits and channeling Higher Light Frequencies, I’m able to See You and Your True Potential, which is often hidden behind the mask(s) you wear and the limiting beliefs and conditions that you carry. I help bring to light any blockages and guide you on your path to becoming your Truest Self and living a life of joy and bliss that aligns with your Soul.

My life has been anything but ordinary, hence why I've dubbed it the 'Adventures of a Psychic Medium Witch.' I'm a magickal, outspoken, and assertive woman who boldly embraces the label 'Witch' and bends it to my will. Take that, Patriarchy — you won't be burning me at the stake this lifetime!

Note: Due to my energy and the natural tendency to draw out people’s stuck emotions and blockages in order to assist them with their deep healing, I have found over the years that I sometimes trigger people. If you find yourself triggered by me, I ask you to calm yourself and look within at what I’m bringing up for you. I’ll also state that if you in any way, shape, or form don’t recognize this and ignorantly try to project something onto me or think that you have any authority to judge me or attempt to affect my life or my work in any way, I suggest you humble yourself before the Divine humbles you. I’m just here being me - it’s who I am, and it’s what I do, and I’m guided and walk with the Most High.

I have always been Conscious of my direct connection to the Divine, and I’ve experienced many Spiritual Initiations; actually, you could say my whole life has been one Initiation after another. When I asked my Spirit Guides why I was going through these initiations, they responded, “So you will know… So you will know what people have gone and go through, and so you will have wisdom and know compassion.” Some may call it clearing karma, while others may say I was ‘Baptised by the Holy Spirit’ or that it was my spiritual calling… I prefer to see it as a Path of Liberation while receiving incredible and miraculous Gifts along the way.

Over the years, I’ve developed a wicked sense of humor and have become a self-proclaimed, less-than-professional, spiritual satire author with my first book, “Magick for Non-Believer Assholes.” There’s more stories on the way, as it’s a creative outlet for me to laugh with myself and the universe.

My Q-Light Oracle / Wombifest App is where I share insights, courses, and channeled frequencies from Higher Light Beings. You can sign up to receive Daily Affirmations, New and Full Moon energy healing and activations, and access my online Courses.

My Rebirth Your Life Course offers an Empowering way for you to find your own answers while being guided on a sacred quest to truly meet yourself—perhaps for the first time. 🌹✨

Quantum Spirit Communicator

I’m Guided by & work with the Divine

I'll be honest—there have been moments in the past where I've wondered, "Am I just imagining all this?"

I know I'm not the only one; even some people close to me have questioned my path and sanity. But then the Universe sends a sign so unmistakable, it leaves no room for doubt.

One such affirming moment came late one night. As I was lying asleep in bed, I was suddenly awoken by a presence.

I opened my eyes to see a man standing beside me.

Communicating with spirits is common in my world, but this felt different—undeniably physical reality real.

He introduced himself as John and asked, "Have you ever been baptized?"

I thought for a moment, wondering if this was a trick question.

When I replied yes, he gave me a wink as he said…

… "Not like this."

He waved his hands over me, and I shook while feeling a transformative energy rush through every cell of my being, settling deep into the core of who I am.

And then he disappeared.

To this day, John the Baptist is one of my key Spirit Guides. He empowers me to embrace transformation, both for myself and for the collective.

With him—and other Guides—by my side, I’m grounded in unwavering Trust of the Divine.

Quantum Spirit Communicator