General FAQs

Is ‘Wombifest’ only for women?

Regardless of gender, everyone has an energetic womb - women just happen to have an energetic womb and a physical one.

That being said, Wombifest is designed to provide a Safe and Supportive Sanctuary for anyone who is one of the following:

  • Desiring to Heal, be Empowered, and reconnect to their Inner Feminine while Balancing their Inner Masculine

  • Desiring to Embody their Inner God/Goddess and ‘Womb’ifest the Life of their Dreams

  • Seeking Wisdom and Higher Consciousness

Will You Keep Information That Comes Out In Our Session Confidential?

Absolutely. I insist on my sessions being strictly private, and I have absolute respect for the privacy of my clients. Know that every session is highly confidential, and I’ll never discuss any personal information about you or what came through outside of your session. I have worked with several high-profile clients and always ensure extreme confidentiality.

Do you offer In-Person or Remote Sessions?

Unless otherwise stated, ALL my sessions are remote via phone or video. However, if you are located or traveling in the Northwest Arkansas area and desire an In-Person Session, please request when you email to book.

Who are Womb Priestesses?

Womb Priestesses are spiritual guides who have specialized in the wisdom and practices associated with the Cosmic Womb. They serve as spiritual midwives, helping women navigate the cycles of life, death, and rebirth, including fertility.

Are your courses and services suitable for beginners?

Yes, our courses and workshops are designed to accommodate individuals at various stages of their spiritual journey, including beginners.

Can these spiritual practices replace medical treatments?

While these practices aim to complement medical treatments by addressing the emotional and spiritual aspects, they should not be considered a replacement for professional medical advice.

High Vibrational Crystal Healing and Activations

What Can We Expect To Feel And For How Long With High Vibrational Healings?

There is a potential that your energy system could release negative energy that has been held in your body as a result of your past experiences. As this negative energy is released and moves out of your body and energy system, it can have a few unpleasant side effects until it dissipates. The results may vary for each individual, but they may include feelings of fatigue, irritability, anger, or general negativity, which may last from a few hours to a few days. For some, this may bring memories of tough times from your past. However, always be mindful that this is a healing process, and you are simply releasing negative energy to make way for a new, improved energy system. Drink plenty of water and be gentle with yourself.

Will Energy Healing Work If I'm Not A Believer?

I would love to write that it will work regardless of a person’s beliefs… but I can tell you from years of experience that if a person purposely chooses to close off their consciousness to any form of energetic healing, it may not provide the intended result.

That being said, I’ve witnessed many instances where a person wasn’t a believer before and became a massive believer after. It’s more complicated than a yes or no answer and depends on the person’s life journey and what they are ready and willing to receive.

Will Energy Healing Work If I’m not there in-person?

As time and space are an illusion, all remote sessions are just as effective as in-person. I have clients all over the world, and after years of doing this work, I find that distance sessions are just as effective as in-person. I don’t need to physically see you - most of my healing sessions are done over the phone.

Psychic Spirit Mediumship / Spirit Communication

What Should I Do During Your Reading?

You should sit comfortably, relax, and listen. Your ability to listen with an open mind is the most important thing you can offer to help make the reading as successful as possible. Many times, people are compelled to volunteer information and fill in details during the reading, but this may be counter-productive. While you are welcome to communicate with Spirit in the midst of a reading, your primary focus should be on actively listening.

Can I Ask Questions During The Reading?

Yes, you absolutely can. It may be helpful for some clients to start by asking me a few questions to help get the sessions started. Again, as the client, you should be prepared primarily to listen with an open mind rather than try to direct the session. Too many interruptions to the flow of communication can make the session more challenging. I think starting off with a few general questions to suggest a direction may help, though.

If you have specific questions you want to know, please come prepared to ask them. It can be helpful to bring notes and a pad of paper to take down the answers that come through.

Can You Predict The Future For Me?

I can see different future scenarios and guide you accordingly based on your intentions. That being said, you ultimately have free will and can choose a path different from what is shown to me during your session. It is incredible as it can be like having a crystal ball – if you don’t like what lies ahead for you down one particular path, you now have the knowledge to make changes. Every choice you make in every moment creates the next and the next; thus, the possibilities for the future are infinite. I am a conduit for receiving all kinds of information, but the ability to see, with complete accuracy, something that will happen to you in the future depends on many factors, and thus, I don’t guarantee it.

Can I Bring Another Person With Me?

Of course, but in general, if you are requesting a one-on-one session, I encourage you not to bring another person with you. I’ve found that additional people in the room may receive messages (if Spirit needs to get something across), and thus, you may not receive your messages all of the time during the session. It can be like a crowd of loved ones and guides needing to get information through, and your friend’s aunt is really bossy and cuts in line to communicate. This is okay as long as you are comfortable if this happens.

If you wish to have a two-person or multiple-person reading, please let me know as soon as possible, and I will try my best to accommodate this request. I understand that there may be circumstances in which multiple people are equally interested in receiving a message from a particular family member or loved one who has passed on. We can talk about this on a case-by-case basis if that works for you.

Do I Need To Know Anything About Clairvoyance, Mediums, And Psychic Abilities Before My Session?

Definitely not. You don’t have to have any special knowledge to have a reading; I can help walk you through the process. Reading the information on my website is a great first step, but you don’t have to read books or study to have a reading.

Can Evil Spirits Or Bad Entities Come Through During A Session?

People are sometimes afraid that communicating with Spirit will allow the passage of negative energy or evil ghosts or spirits into our world, but this is not something for you to be worried about. My clients and I are both protected in an incredible way. In all my years of experience, I have never had a client feel attacked by any negative entity.

These fears are often rooted in popular culture and folklore misunderstandings of how Spirit works rather than in the kinds of experience that I’ve had throughout my life with Clairvoyance and Mediumship.

Do You Do Group Sessions?

Yes, occasionally I am asked to do a group healing and spirit communication session. If you would like to get a group of friends and family members together for a group reading, I am more than happy to accommodate. I do not, however, guarantee that every person in the room will receive a message. Know, though, that often what is communicated during the reading offers healing to everyone in the room.

What If I Don't Recognize Or Know The Person Who's Coming Through During A Session?

There are examples where this can happen - the person who comes through with a message isn’t the person my client intended to speak to, and/or they may not remember or recognize the person. If this happens to you, please keep an open mind. Although you may not realize it immediately, the person who comes from the other side to speak to you has done so for a reason, even if you think you don’t know the person. Give it time, talk to your family and friends, and see if you can make the connection between that person and yourself.

I’ve Had Experiences In The Past With Psychics Who Didn’t Give Me Any Real Information Or Seem Very Authentic. Will I Have This Experience With You Too?

Well, I hope not! Just as with any other gift or profession in the world, some Mediums and psychic readers are better at using their talents and abilities than others. Plus, everyone can have an "off" day. Unfortunately, there is also a lot of fraud in our specialty, which causes people to lose trust in those of us who have truly honed our natural abilities to experience things beyond the five normal human senses. I hate to hear about your past experience, but I assure you that I have been in communication with Spirit since I was a small child and will, to the best of my ability, pass on information that I receive as clearly as possible.

Are You Ever Wrong?

Of course. Every expert in their field is wrong at times. Being wrong doesn't mean we're fraudulent or scam artists. It means we're human.