Truth Seeking Courses

Expand Your Consciousness


Our Courses are for you if:

  • You are a Wisdom Seeker and desire to KNOW for yourself.

  • You desire to Trust yourself and your own intuition.

  • You desire to be Divinely Inspired and Embodied.

Conveniently Accessible in Q-Light Oracle App:

  • Rebirth Your Life

    • Journey into and through The Primordial Womb during an 8-week journey.

    • Email to join the Waitlist for upcoming course announcements

  • The Universal Laws

    • Understanding these laws will give seekers a “master key” up to a certain level of consciousness, which they can use to unlock vast potential within themselves and align with the creative forces of the universe.

    • Investment - $11

  • Fertility Goddess Archetypes

    • This online, complete at your own pace, course includes info about Fertility Archetypes, detailing 5 of the most popular, as well as information on Rituals, Affirmations, and Visualizations that you can do at home to invoke your Fertility Goddess Archetype.

    • Investment - $11

  • Embracing the Dark Goddess

    • The Dark Goddess does not turn away from the parts of us that are raw, wild, or untamed; she welcomes them. She teaches that within the dark soil of our experiences lies the seeds of growth, renewal, and rebirth. This online course provides introductory information about the Dark Goddess.

    • Investment = $11

Coming Soon:

  • What DO you want?

  • Wombifest Your True Dreams

  • Intuition of the Womb


Sometimes, I go off on technical tangents…

… this is one of those times.

To integrate Wholeness, one must accept ALL aspects of Self, which include the “Dark” - what may be labeled as unacceptable, bad, dirty, or unworthy of love.

There is a modern astrophysics concept in which dark energy is a mysterious form of energy that is believed to make up a significant portion of the universe, contributing to its expansion.

What is the correlation between the modern fundamental concept of Dark Energy in Astrophysics and the Ancient Worship of the Dark Goddess?

Both Dark Energy in Astrophysics and Ancient Dark Goddess worship dive into the mysteries of the unseen, hidden forces that shape our universe.

  • Hidden Forces and Unseen Energies: In modern cosmology, Dark Energy represents an invisible force that defies our senses yet exerts a powerful influence on the expansion of the universe. Similarly, the worship of the Dark Goddess in Ancient Cultures celebrated the unseen energies that govern aspects of life, death, and transformation. The connection lies in acknowledging that there is much more to the universe than meets the eye.

  • Embracing the Unknown: Just as modern science struggles with the paradox of dark energy, ancient societies worshipped the Dark Goddess as a representation of the unknown and the mysteries of life. This demonstrates a universal human desire to explore the realms beyond what is readily apparent.

  • Balance and Harmony: The concept of balance is a common theme between the two. In cosmology, Dark Energy's influence counters the gravitational pull, maintaining the delicate equilibrium necessary for the universe's expansion. Similarly, the worship of the Dark Goddess often emphasized the necessity of balance between light and dark, life and death, creation and destruction.

  • Transformation and Rebirth: The Dark Goddess archetype often represented cycles of transformation, death, and rebirth. Dark Energy's impact on the universe's expansion speaks to the ever-changing nature of cosmic structures, where old stars die to birth new ones. Both concepts speak to the cyclical nature of existence and transformation.

  • Divine Feminine and Nurturing: The worship of the Dark Goddess often celebrated the nurturing and maternal aspects of divinity, while modern science recognizes the nurturing role of Dark Energy in sustaining the expansion of the cosmos. This connection highlights the symbiotic relationship between the feminine, the nurturing, and the unseen forces that guide the universe's course.

As you can see, both modern science and ancient cultures recognize that profound forces shape existence, whether on a cosmic or a deeply spiritual level. Both concepts invite us to embrace the mysteries and acknowledge the interconnectedness of the seen and the unseen, the light and the dark, and the known and the unknown.