Wanna hear a story?

During a recent session, a client stood at a crossroads, burdened by unexplained emotions and patterns that seemed to have no origin in their present life. My spirit team took me on a journey into the realms of their subconscious - kind of how I think the legendary Edgar Cayce, the “Sleeping Prophet,” would go into a light trance to retrieve wisdom and healing.

As I was led through their inner landscape, a vivid past life story unfolded. In this life, the events and emotions were so powerful that they resonated throughout their current timeline.

This revelation was more than just a glimpse into a ‘past’ life; it was a key that unlocked understanding and clarity about their present struggles and feelings. It offered relief and allowed them to move forward with clarity in their decisions.

This story isn’t unique to this client, however. I’m very often shown echoes of other lives that provide lessons, understanding, wisdom, and stories. I also see it as ‘proof of life after death’ in a way - like cosmic breadcrumbs.

The explorations of the ‘hidden’ realms of consciousness are completely fascinating to me - which is one of the reasons I LOVE the work I do so much. I’m continuously amazed at the power of Consciousness, the stories that are revealed, the connections one learns about one's past and present, and the insights that one gains to assist them in life.

Edgar Cayce demonstrated that within our subconscious lies a treasure trove of wisdom, memories, programs, and insights that often transcend one’s perception of time and space.

Edgar Cayce once said, “Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice.”

This contradicts the popular belief that fate or circumstances solely determine our path, and from my experience, I agree with Edgar on this.

I’ve been shown time and time again that one’s destiny is the outcome of the choices one makes throughout one's journey (some could call this karma, maybe)… and the more conscious one is of one’s choices, the easier it is to Co-Create the life of one’s dreams.

By Consciously making choices that align with our passions, values, and aspirations, we Co-Create our own destiny and, in turn, live a fulfilling and meaningful life.

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