Let me tell you… when the heavens yell: “It’s time to do some more Integration and Expanding of Consciousness,” you listen and do just that. Trust me, I’ve already learned what happens when I don’t listen to the Divine, and I’m not doing that again! 😂

“Be careful what you wish for” is something I know very personally...

…Eight (8) years ago, I was on a pilgrimage in Bolivia and Peru, and I set the intention to Raise and Expand my Consciousness. I wanted to learn it all—like soaking it up with a huge sponge and dancing with knowledge from the Cosmos.

I was a curious little cat… luckily, with more than 9 lives.

Well, my Shamanic Portal over-delivered in the most profound, beautiful, and extremely challenging ways. It got me there quickly, which is what I wanted, but it wasn’t pretty or comfortable.

That whole storyline is too much for this update, but I will tell you that the intention I set five years ago to “assist the Collective with Shadow Healing” hit me like a ton of bricks over the past few years. Don’t ask me what I was thinking 🤷🏻‍♀️

I didn’t really know what Shadow Healing was at the time, or I may have never set that intention… cause reading it in a book and actually doing it are VERY different things. I can tell you, however, that it did Expand my Consciousness - I learned A LOT about the Collective Unconscious and Subconscious, and also got my ass handed to me by the Underworld in the biggest Innana descending kind of way.

But I retrieved my power and am now besties with some very powerful Beings and Deities—Activated and Initiated in ways I had never imagined.

One way is that when working with a client now, A Quantum Realm space opens up between us, and Magickal Alchemy begins. Within probably 3 seconds of talking with a client, I’m able to see their deepest wounds and hidden shadows that are typically kept hidden. It’s like a huge spotlight shining into one’s soul, looking at their DNA and ancestor trauma, and the energy starts working before anyone has a chance to yell, “Wait!”

It’s a priceless gift to have and share with those who are ready and called to heal and move beyond any Shadows that may be keeping them within the pain and trauma matrix… but I’m not sure how to market it because it doesn’t always feel good at the moment, and it’s not always pretty - so we will see how that evolves… I’m open to suggestions.

To help me during this ‘upgrade activation’ time, I wrote a book! I needed to bring some humor into my life to lighten it up, so I decided to be a little cheeky and Alchemize some of the dense and darker topics into something light-hearted, with the intention of Expanding Consciousness at the same time.

I’d love for you to check it out! The Kindle version is available now and the paperback version will be available very soon.

I’m also offering Spirit Communication and Crystal Healing sessions again, and I have some Magick Spell specials and a few new items in my Shop.

With Balanced Love,

